Jakob’s Walks through Basel

‘Classic Tour’ around Minster Hill

After a short introduction at the Meeting Point, usually the ‘Tinguely’ fountain, this Walk takes you up and around Minster Hill Basel’s religious heart while Jakob tells you all about its history and present. It ends about 90 minutes later in the courtyard of city hall, the Rathaus the city’s civil centre.

‘Women, Walls & Towers’ with the Spalentor

Asked to include stories about famous and interesting women in Basel Jakob developed a second tour running along the West Plateau and centred on Basel’s biggest and most prestigious remaining city gate the Spalentor and – of course – including interesting facts and stories about ladies in Basel’s history.

‘St. Alban Valley’

The domain of the first (Benedictine) monastery in Basel, this area saw Basel’s first Roman port and later in the late middle ages a thriving industry, including paper-making based on a cluster of ingeniously constructed water-driven mills.

‘Lesser Basel’

A planned bridge-head settlement constructed after the Basel bridge was built around 1225 this part of Basel North of the Rhine has kept much of its medieval character and has become the nucleus of an interesting, lively and multi-cultured part of the modern city.


As you can see on the fotos taken since I started in 2012 the participants of every age and in every season and weather seem quite satisfied and happy at the end of their tours – and I am too..